Slide A
the world [tikkun olam]

Temple Sinai members, acting on Jewish values for justice, equality, and a better world.

Slide B

Assisting Refugee Families

Slide C
[gun violence]

Gun Violence Prevention Group

Slide D
[the environment]

Green Team

Slide D
[voting rights]

Get Out the Vote

Slide D

Direct Support

Slide D
[reproductive rights]

Reproductive Health and Rights Group

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To repair

A center for [change]

The Davis Center seeks to build community and foster relationships through tikkun olam (repairing the world), and focuses on engaging all Temple Sinai members, both young, old and others in learning about and acting on Jewish values for justice, equality, and a better world.

Refugee, Asylum
and Migrant Support


Gun Violence
Prevention Group


Reproductive Health
and Rights Group


Get Out
The Vote



Sinaites and Davis Center Youth Board

Washington Interfaith
Network (WIN)


Rabbi Eugene Lipman

Mitzvah Projects

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Google Group