Annual Opportunities

Poor People’s Campaign
Temple Sinai has long actively supported the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival. The most recent march, the Moral March on Washington and to the Polls, was held in person on June 18, 2022. (This was exactly 4 years from the date that Rev. William Barber, co-leader of the campaign, rocked a packed Temple Sinai sanctuary with his rousing sermon at our Shabbat service.) Temple Sinai once again took on a leading role in turning out participants for the March, and in advancing the Campaign’s demands for public policies that address the needs of tens of millions of poor and low-wealth Americans. The next Moral March is slated for June 15, 2024 so save the date! Email Steve Metalitz for additional information.

Summer Reading Book Fair
For DC Public School elementary students. Volunteers help children select books for summer reading; event is held at the end of the school year. Men and college student volunteers particularly welcome!
Email Debby Litt for more details and to volunteer.

Eyeglasses Project
Works with Wheatley Education Campus elementary students in NE DC and a generous optometrist (a Temple member) to arrange exams and glasses for kids. Email Darren Gersh.

Thanksgiving Food Baskets
Sinai volunteers shop for, assemble and deliver wholesome holiday foods to temple partner organizations who distribute them to families. Our partner organizations include Sinai House, The Family Place, A Wider Circle, Wheatley Education Campus, Highland Elementary School, and Roosevelt High School. Religious School kids can help with packing. email: Deborah Eichhorn and/or email Lori Berman.