Join Temple Sinai at a historic assembly of impacted poor and low-wage workers, representatives from over thirty state coordinating committees, leaders from major religious organizations and denominations, labor unions, and other advocates as we kick off four months of outreach to 15 million poor and low-wage infrequent voters. The event takes place at 3rd & Pennsylvania NW.
We have arranged a venue for a brief Shabbat celebration the morning of the event — and our Rabbi Noah Diamondstein has agreed to lead it! This will make an excellent gathering point for us (it is just a few blocks from the Assembly Point at 3rd and Pennsylvania). So please join us at 9:30am at First Trinity Church (501 4th Street, NW).
Metro stop is Judiciary Square (Red line), but if you choose to drive you will be able to park in the lot across 4th street from the church.
Email Steve Metalitz with any questions.