Green Team

What we do at Green Team
Recognizing the existential threat that climate change presents, the Green Team readily engages in actions that reflect Jewish values by advancing the environmental sustainability of Temple Sinai’s building and grounds, by engaging in public policy on a local, state and federal level, and by promoting best practices by congregation members as individuals and households. To learn more or to volunteer, contact Liz Feldman and/or Sarah Barr Engel.
Exciting Maryland legislation on climate, environment, and sustainable energy
The Maryland General Assembly is considering several promising bills in 2023. Regional and local action is critical for protecting our environment and limiting climate change. Maryland serves as a model for other states. Intrigued? Click here for more information.
Areas of Focus
Jewish Climate Leadership Coalition
Temple Sinai recently became a member of the Jewish Climate Leadership Coalition, and in doing so, we have agreed to develop a Temple Sinai Climate Action Plan for Getting to Zero Emissions. In developing the plan, the Green Team will involve the broader Temple Sinai community, including the nursery and religious schools, Sinaites, and the Davis Center. View our Climate Action Plan.
The Green Team advocates for the strongest possible climate change measures in national, state and local policies, by
- Tracking bills under consideration at the federal level, by the Maryland General Assembly and the Council of the District of Columbia, and by the Montgomery County Council. We notify Green Team members of action items including calling, e-mailing or writing policy makers, testifying during public hearings, and signing petitions.
- Evaluating potential funding and other opportunities for our congregation and the broader community under the new federal Inflation Reduction Act, Maryland Climate Solutions Now Act, and other climate legislation.
Resources on Sustainable Living
The Green Team provides information on how we can reduce our carbon imprint at home and organizes collective campaigns, with recent initiatives involving residential solar purchasing and residential composting. For information on sustainable living, see below:
- Ten Things to do to Help the Earth
- Composting How-to Slideshow
- Environmental Book List for Kids and Families
- CO2 Reduction Challenge: Find out what your carbon footprint is and how you can reduce it.
- CSA – Produce Boxes: Buy organic fruits & vegetables from local farmers and know where your food comes from. Help heal the planet!
- Tips for Water Conservation
- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
- Turn Off the Plastic Tap
- Product List to Reduce Plastic
Action Items

1/ Ask our leaders to support climate-friendly legislation.
Call, e-mail or write your DC Councilmembers or Maryland State Senators and Delegates to encourage them to be bold on climate. The window of opportunity to prevent catastrophic consequences of global warming is shrinking. We must act now.
Bills currently under consideration by the DC Council:
• B25-0115 – Electric Bicycle Rebate Program Amendment Act of 2023.
• B25-0119 – Healthy Homes and Residential Electrification Amendment Act. Read more here. Learn how to take action here.
See more information on bills currently under consideration in the 2023 Maryland General Assembly here.

2) Purchase carbon offsets for travel.
- Use the carbon calculator from and choose several ways to offset your carbon emissions
- Good Energy Initiative’s Shirat Ha’assabim sequesters carbon in the soil, while improving food quality and production in Israel
- SeaGrass Grow sequesters carbon in the ocean, builds habitat, and develops community economies

3) Plant Native Gardens and Remove Invasive Species
Resources Jewish Climate Action Network (JCAN)- DMV Relating to Native Plant Gardening & Invasive Species Removal
Rainscape’s Ten Easy Native Plants for Sunny Gardens
Rainscape’s Ten Easy Native Plants for Shady Gardens
Tree Montgomery Free Tree Program
DC Tree Rebate Program through DC DDOE
Questions? Contact Temple Sinai member Kit Gage
Contact Us
Sarah Barr Engel, Co-Chair
Liz Feldman, Co-Chair